​Every KDL Bespoke creation starts with a conversation. Our focus is to incorporate each customer's preferences on comfort & style, likings, type of event/function, lifestyles and personal fitting into their unique handcrafted bespoke outfit. Anything you wish to enhance will be attended with a deep thought. We prioritize the use of natural fibers and minimize the use of polyester in a bespoke outfit.
Once your preferred design features and measurements are set, we will create a customized blueprint in the form of paper pattern for fabric cutting. This pattern is unique and will be kept on record and updated after every fitting. Using this pattern, the cloth is cut and the pieces are assembled for your first fitting. After each fitting, the outfit is ripped down and the relevant adjustments are made to the cloth and the pattern. The outfit is then reassembled for the next fitting. There will be an in-store consultant exclusively at your disposal. You will be meeting your KDL master tailor for the final fitting to ensure that every element is executed to perfection before your bespoke outfit is finalized.

A KDL Made-to-Measure outfit is made from scratch using our existing in-house designs and is customized to your measurements. KDL Made-to-Measure outfits do not require paper patterns. Based on the measurements taken, the outfit is made from the existing fabric patterns. New paper patterns/paper drawings are not created, only the measurements of the existing pattern is altered, thus reducing time and workload. Once the measurements are taken, the existing fabric patterns with altered measurements are put through the tailoring process.
​Samples of majority of the outfits are available at our store for trials.